MSc in Chemistry and Advanced Chemical Methodologies - Class LM-54

By corrado.bacchiocchi |

MSc in Chemistry and Advanced Chemical Methodologies

Class: LM-54, duration: 2 years, 120 ECTS

Location: Camerino

Course Guide


The Master's Degree in Chemistry and Advanced Chemical Methodologies belongs to the Class LM-54 (Chemical Sciences). Students who choose to continue their studies by enrolling in the Master's Degree will be able to broaden their basic knowledge and acquire skills, responding to the new needs of different occupational fields, in advanced and innovative sectors of the chemical area that are the subject of the research activities of the teachers. The student will be able to acquire more knowledge of the topics that interest him most, during the period dedicated to the thesis that can be prepared either in the research laboratories of the University or in industries, bodies and external laboratories affiliated with it.

Double Degree Programs
The University of Camerino stands out on the national scene for the number and quality of agreements signed with foreign universities and institutes. As part of these collaborations, it was considered appropriate to offer two students each year, who choose to follow courses for at least one semester at the partner institution, the possibility of obtaining the double degree thanks to an agreement stipulated with:

Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST) di Lisbona (Portugal)

Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (Argentina)

The fact that all the training activities are delivered in English constitutes an added value for the course and allows the student to immediately become familiar with the language which, practically exclusively, is now used for the exchange of information on a scientific level.

What happens after my graduation?
Graduates can take responsibility for projects for the development of innovative analytical methods, for the design and synthesis of molecules and new materials in:

➢ public and private research structures;
➢ chemical and manufacturing industries;
➢ laboratories for the analysis, monitoring and management of the environment and the waste cycle;
➢ energy production and storage industries;
➢ chemical and related analysis laboratories for conformity and/or quality control.

Graduates can practice professional jobs by enrolling in the Register of Professional Chemists
Furthermore, the possession of a master's degree allows access to higher education levels such as research doctorates, both nationally and internationally, and second level Masters.